Publishers, give your books a chance to become Loan Stars
June 29, 2017 8:00 am Publishers, do you want to see your books become Loan Stars? Of course you do. Library staff from across the country are tirelessly requesting, reading, and recommending, and they want to get their hands on your books. Making your book a top pick is going to take your help — you need to champion it as a Loan Star. There’s lots you can do to make sure your titles are considered by library staff for the Loan Stars top picks lists. We’ve put together this list of handy tips to give your books their best chance. Step 1: Make sure your books are in CataList All Loan Stars voting takes place in CataList, so if your titles aren’t there, they can’t gather votes. You can see in the image below that library staff have the option to vote on a title or to request a title to read. (You won’t be able to see the vote or request buttons from a publisher account — these features are only available to library accounts.) All forthcoming adult titles more than two months away from their publication date are eligible for Loan Stars votes. For example, for titles that publish in May, library staff can vote for them until the end of March. We’re always working ahead so that library systems have enough time to order and catalogue the books prior to publication.

- Enable reading copy requests for your CataList account. This will allow library staff to request ARCs directly from you.
- Use a galley service like NetGalley. This makes digital ARCs quickly and easily available. If you’re using NetGalley we recommend that you respond to requests in a timely manner and learn how to recognize ARC requests from Loan Star Reviewers.

- Let library staff know that you’re actively participating in the Loan Stars program through your library mailing lists.
- Keep them informed about the ARCs you have available for request.
- Run Loan Stars–focused giveaways and contests. This gives library staff a chance to get their hands on your books and it also helps build your library mailing list.
- Create CataList catalogues specifically for Loan Stars and promote them to library staff. Make sure these catalogues contain books for which you have ARCs and that you feel will appeal to the library market.
- Interact with us on social media. On top of our twice-a-month mailings, we also promote lots of books on our Twitter and Facebook accounts. We promote approximately 20 titles available on NetGalley each month on Twitter, and we highlight the month’s top picks with the hashtag #putaholdonit. We’re always happy to tweet about your books, so chat us up at @LoanStarsCA or use the hashtag #LoanStars!
- Keep us informed about your key forthcoming titles by sending us an email with a list of these titles at the start of every season. We use this information to narrow down the titles we promote in our mailings, which reach over 400 library staff across Canada.

Categorised in: Loan Stars
This post was written by Loan Stars
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